Thank you to everyone who participated in Run the Parkway. See the recap video!More than 1,100 runners attended, helping to raise $30,000 for conservation of the Parkway. Run the Parkway is the official training run for the California International Marathon with 3 course options: marathon, half-marathon and scenic nature walk. It was an exciting morning watching and cheering for the race participants and being there at the finish line as they received their medals. Putting on the event would not have been possible with the 120+ volunteers who arrived early and stayed late to help with every part of the event. Thank you for taking your Sunday morning to help. We also want to thank the sponsors and vendors for their support: Sponsors Elite Spinal & Sport Care Fleet Feet Sacramento GU Nuun Raley’s Vendors Black Sails Coffee Sacramento River Cats & Dinger SMUD Visit Rancho Cordova We’ll see you next year, November 5, 2023, for Run the Parkway!
Run the Parkway 2022 Recap