Join us as a member!

With your support, we can continue our efforts to conserve and engage the community in protecting our 4,800-acre community resource. In 2023, the Parkway Foundation celebrated 40 years of engaging volunteers and enhancing the visitor experience. The Parkway Foundation continues to engage the public with our clean-ups, invasive plant removal, and improving access to the Parkway for the greater Sacramento community.

Over the past year, the Parkway Foundation has made strides through outreach to our communities, new immigrants, and families to share the resources available to them along the Parkway.

Please join us as we strive for another 40 years conserving this fabulous resource and welcome all the new community members to experience our hidden gem.

Download a full copy of our membership letter HERE

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#FoundontheParkway | #AmericanRiverParkway

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